non traditional still life continued: experimenting in coloured pencil

Copper and Rose, coloured pencil, A4 folio moleskine, Vivien Blackburn

details close up:

Using coloured pencils I developed the digital experiment, not copying but making some alterations to shape, pattern and colour.

I wanted to develop the warm coppery, rosy glow in this one with the blue as a supporting element, not the main one.

It's in the large A4 folio sketchbook. I like the way coloured pencil behaves on the waxy paper surface. It may not allow quite so many layers as a paper with tooth but it allows quite a lot. The surface of the vase contains probably 10+ colours glazed over each other to change the warmth and colour balance across the surface. It also allows the Jakar battery eraser to lift the colour effortlessly for 'drawing' back in by removing colour.

I think I'll do some more of these in coloured pencil (as well as paint and pastel) as I've got a pastel society exhibition coming up and pencil is allowed :>)

feedback? what do you think?

I've decided that this year I'll be juggling 3 main themes - Local Landscape (incorporating the Waterways Project, which is a slow burner), The Coast continuing - and a new project on looking at Still Life in a different way for a project with a group of friends I meet up with once a month - we never do still life, so set ourselves a challenge to each find our own angle on it, to make it interesting to us and eventually have a joint exhibition of work done.

A big society I belong to are doing a project and exhibition on War and Peace to tie in with a large exhibition of major works planned of works in the museum's collection. I often take part in these projects but this year I'm feeling that juggling 3 themes is enough and I'm probably going to give it a miss unless some linking theme to my other work occurs to me (and time is short) - any brilliant thoughts on that would be welcome! It doesn't have to be taken absolutely literally but the ideas bounced off the theme. the only linking angle that I can think of at the moment is to take wartime objects as still life and work around that .......... do I want to? or not? ration books/gas masks, photos of sweetheart away at war kind of things? ........


I linked to you in my post today. This series of still life are so interesting. I really like the palette you are using and the details are beautiful. Still life is the theme for this months art group meeting that I go to.
vivien said…
thanks Lisa - I'm enjoying watching your experiments :>)