still life update


I worked a bit more into this one - I like using coloured pencils but sometimes the effect can be a little flat to someone who likes marks - so this one has more loose marks with the Caran d'Ache than the purely Polychromos coloured pencil one done earlier.

Here are some details to show the scribbliness. Is that a word? :>)

further detail

current progress

The A3 page in the moleskine as it currently stands - I think I'm going to add a purplish border - you can see the tentative start of it on the left of the page. What do you think?

another detail

James Gurney has an interesting article about the contents of his sketching bag today - interesting to see it's not too minimal! (as one who takes too much)

Billie I did harden some lines you'll notice :>) thanks


Billie Crain said…
I think I love it!
my croft said…
I'm quite the enthusiast, so my feeling is that you can NEVER have too much purple.
vivien said…
:>D I too do like purple!

and thank you both

I have added a magenta/purple border and I like it

but this morning by Pentel brush pen arrived so I've had to have a play with that!

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