seagull, a quick sketch with coloured pencil and Rotring Art Pen in moleskine sketchbook

seagull weighing up whether or not I had any food to offer, a quick sketch with a Rotring Art Pen and coloured pencils in a moleskine sketchbook

Just the sound of gulls instantly takes me back to my childhood in Cornwall.   They seem the essence of freedom, gliding on the the wind, light shining through feathers.


Unknown said…
Ah, it's Jonathan Livingston himself, pefectly captured and no fussiness! Vivien, may I ask what CPs you use/prefer?
Anita said…
I always find quick sketches so intriguing - how it can take so little to say so much. One of my favourite books - "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" and here he is!
vivien said…
I've never seen that book - clearly I need to!

Yes I like quick sketches too Anita

I like Polychromos best Michael and Lyra but use odds and bits of allsorts - some very old cheapie ones and the odd Coloursoft.

The Lyra Skintones set has a wonderful variety of browns from almost black, through peachy, burnt sienna, a dull mauvey brown - warm and cool, light and dark. I wouldn't actually find them enough for doing 'skin tones' but they are great for an sort of sepia effect drawing with warm/cool.

you can see them here
vivien said…
and here
Unknown said…
Thanks, Vivien. I like Polychromos too as well as Pablo and Coloursoft. I still have quite a few of the legendary Karismas left - they have never been equalled really. It's like any art materials, it's a personal thing - you only have to read the art forums to see that :)
Robyn Sinclair said…
I loved that book too and was amazed yesterday when an Italian friend showed me her seaside sketches and pointed out 'Jonathan'.

Great sketch, Vivien.

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