abstracted flower or rescuing disasters

images copyright: Vivien Blackburn

I came across a disastrous watercolour flower abstraction when I was sorting through some paperwork and sketchbooks and stopped to work on it with coloured pencils and try to pull it together.

It could now be the basis for a large canvas, playing with fluid paint, glazing and line - or of course a large watercolour/mixed media.

I do like mixing media for the bigger range of marks available.

Another thing on the 'to do' list - more watercolour/mixed media work.

and ..... played with in Photoshop


Robyn Sinclair said…
Breathtakingly lovely, Vivien. It would make a fabulous big picture. I love your ability to make coloured pencils look so elegant - if you know what I mean :)
vivien said…
goodness! elegant :D - I'm extremely clumsy and uncoordinated so I think that's the first time anyone has ever associated that word with me! - I'm glad you think it will work :)

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