A rose for Rosie!

copyright Vivien Blackburn coloured pencil
another study of those overblown roses in coloured pencil - this time in the moleskine. It's very hard to scan without it looking washed out. I had to layer it and photoshop it to get it like the
original. The scanner also expects white paper so I have to add yellow as the moleskine is a rich cream and it throws the colour balance.

I got to the Pastel exhibition this afternoon and there was some good work there http://www.leicestershirepastelsociety.com/ - ooh!! they've put my tree paeony on the front page bless them :)

Tonight is a meeting of our small group of friends - we'll have a post mortem on the group exhibition and chat. I hope someone takes some work as I'm too tired to bother!

I think belonging to groups like these is good - the Pastel Society have introduced some plein air days this year and are having a second exhibition later in the year. They have an annual talk by a well know pastel artist. It's a chance to chat to other local artists you may never otherwise meet.

Our small group are friends and friends-of-friends are from local universities. We exhibit together (and of course separately), meet up to chat, go to to exhibitions, go out to sketch ... it's nice to have a group to call on.


Anita said…
Oh I agree, Vivien. Being able to talk with other artists is so encouraging and uplifting. I had a chance to discuss painting with an artist I admire enormously while on holiday and he really inspired me to get back and do some work!
So glad the kitten turned up!
Love the rose - delicious colours!
vivien said…
:) Hi Anita! it's lovely to hear from you - how are you? you haven't been updating your blog so I imagine that there are still problems with access?

I'd love to go on a painting holiday

I'm glad you are working again

.... and thanks :)
Diane Cutter said…
I love your 'OKeefe' approach to your flowers... a feeling of being wrapped up in them.

I agree about having a small group of friends to discuss our art. I would love a 'critique' group here.
vivien said…
thanks Diane - I hope the show is looking good? the best of luck and many sales for the opening :)

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