Time and Tide ... progress

I've had an intensive 3 days finishing off canvasses that were in progress and starting new ones.
This one is now finished. It's based on a cold afternoon sitting sketching on the beach, watching the tide coming in along with the gulls. Colours were pearly and muted and silvery.


These two are also finished

and I got out 2 canvasses with paintings on that I didn't like (24x30 inches) and painted over them. It's often nice to do that because you can use the colour underneath, letting it show slightly through the overpainting or scratch back to it.
I like this ratio of 4:5, it's squarer than the European 'A' sizes and I much prefer it.
These will have a very little bit more done to them when I have chance to decide what! but they are very nearly finished.
The shine is from the wet paint.
Blue Day
Hazy Day
I've got some more stretchers made up (by husband) but need to stretch the canvas and my heavyweight stapler has died. Of course I haven't got any staples for the lighter one, which is why I dug out these canvasses to work on.
Now I'm having a break before dinner and catching up on blogs and emails :>)


GalleryJuana said…
This series of paintings are vibrant and mesmerising. I think the long canvas fits the series perfectly.
Anita said…
Vivien - I just love these - I love the format of the long narrow ones and I have a passion for square canvases too. Your colours sing! Such a treat to see!
vivien said…
Juana thank you - I looked at your blog and your work is lovely :)

Anita Hi! I hope all is well in the sand dunes :) and thank you
Lindsay said…
Vivien, these works are so beautiful. You have been really painting like crazy! Thanks for taking the time to post them, wet paint and all!
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay - and I have 5 nice new big long canvasses ready and waiting to go tomorrow :)

I think I might get back to B&Q at the weekend for more timber and hardboad while my husband is on a roll making them! I will need more long thin ones.

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