charcoal sketch of the beach

Charcoal sketch of the beach, evening, approaching rain. Vivien Blackburn
A charcoal sketch in the beach series - I think I may do a large, more finished one of this for an upcoming show. I really do like charcoal and the wide variety of marks you can get - smudgy sfumato to hard crisp lines. It's the medium I'd always choose for a large drawing, often with ink applied with bamboo pen and paintbrush to push the darkest darks.
What is your favoured drawing medium?
I managed to do a little more to the canvasses today before having to go out but the light went before I could take any photographs. I'll update those during the week.


That's a hard question Vivien - I love everything which is why I do what I do.
My favourite drawing medium...? So hard to choose, but probably a simple 4B pencil. Or maybe a graphits stick...or oil pastels... or...!
Hi Vivien,
I will draw with almost anything that comes to hand including a paint brush, but then I am much more comfortable with drawing than painting. ATM I am playing with felt-tip pens to get a softer coloured line which I can then paint with watercolour.
I like your charcoal marks in this one.
Lindsay said…
Nice banner! Looks great.
I too like charcoal. I like to work with a ground of charcoal and pull out the tones with an eraser. I like your idea to use ink to push the darks.
vivien said…
Shirley, Becky, David and Lindsay, Yes, it's impossible to choose isn't it? :)

Hi David, I visited your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the Joan Eardley write up :) and seeing your work - I liked Winter Sunshine particularly
vivien said…
yes, I like drawing back into darks with an eraser too Lindsay and those little battery operated ones are great for drawing back fine lines aren't they?

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