Prints at Costco

Autumn. Vivien Blackburn

I never really 'did' the reproduction print route but last year decided to set up an Imagekind account. I'd heard good reports of them.

My reasons were mainly to do with the fact that digital imagery interests me and I do very small editions of digital works - it blurred the distinction between 'original' prints done via computer, where the image existed only in digital form and the reproduction of paintings.

Well, Imagekind are linking with Costco and selecting some images to sell in Costco stores - and they selected this one of mine. I don't know if anything will come of it or how it will go. Profits are very small but potential sales bigger - I thought it was worth saying yes and trying it out - nothing ventured, nothing gained :) - what do you think?



I agree with you - go for it - you never know. When my first book proposal didn't succeed I vowed never to do it again but after I had expanded and rewritten it again and printed it out for my own satisfaction - on a sudden whim decided to email and test the water again and this time success. So you never know. Absolutely nothing to lose but could open doors.
It's a very colourful choice - should appeal to to those who like hot colours.
vivien said…
that's what I felt - when I've taken up an opportunity out of the blue it has so often led on to other opportunities I'd never considered.

If it leads to nothing - well it's cost me nothing!
Andrea and Kim said…
Well, why not? You have worked hard and deserve this. I wish you tremendous sales and great prosperity.

This is a wonderful painting...the movement is wonderful.

I have just found your site and look forward to visiting often!
vivien said…
Thanks Kim :) I look forward to chatting to you

- those snowy photos on your blog are lovely
Jeanette Jobson said…
I think its a great idea. If it doesn't cost you anything and there is potential for revenue and exposure, you've nothing to lose and lots to gain.

I've noticed Costco here selling local prints now and then with in-store exhibits. Perhaps they're starting a new trend for large box stores.
vivien said…
Jeanette - yes, I thought that it was worth trying out :)

I didn't think we had Costco here but someone told me that we do - I've never seen one.
Anita Davies said…
Always worth a shot Vivien...Best of luck!

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