mixed media seascapes on paper

Across the Beach,Early Evening. mixed media on paper. 16 in sq. Vivien Blackburn
acrylic ink, acrylic paint and charcoal

A view across the beach in the early evening, warm tinted clouds, pools reflecting the light and the rocks - heavcn :>) if only I could win the lottery and live there.

The light was terrible here today, grey and dismal - and I need a decent light to finish those ongoing canvasses as I need to look at them from a distance as well as close up. I thought I'd work on paper and work close to the window. I finished (I think) the one above

The following one is at a mid-way stage.

work in progress, approximately 18 ins tall
acrylic ink and acrylic paint

The last one may have some touches of pastel added.

acrylic ink, acrylic paint and charcoal. Vivien Blackburn




Julie said…
I particularly like the format of your final painting Vivian. I enjoy painting myself but have been sidetracked into textiles. Your work is making me want to paint again! :)
I love the turquoise blue in the top one and I can see the reflections in the pool..
I have a thing at the moment for tall thin and wide letterbox sized pieces which is why I like all your tall thin paintings .Concur about dull days and bad light - when the light is good I see that I have chosen the wrong colours. I don't care what they claim about daylight lighting - it just isn't!!
Here's to some better days - lightwise at least.
vivien said…
Hi Julie :) thanks

I do like textiles and often think of experimenting with them but just don't have the time :(

I used to make rag dolls when the girls were young, amongst other things.

Shirley I love blues! and I like working in a long thin format - but I also love the squares.

Yes, the colours just don't work right under 'daylight' bulbs or other artificial light :( and I find daylight bulbs a depressingly cold atmosphere to work in too.

Roll on Spring!
Lindsay said…
It's lovely to see your mixed media pieces. Good combinations. I'll have to try those together.
Hope you have light to work on your large canvases soon.
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay :) - I think you'll like using charcoal with acrylics - if you haven't used acrylic inks do try them as they are beautifully translucent.
Across the Beach really holds my attention. The dark outcropping (rocks?) in the upper left provides great contrast to the rest of the painting.

Your mixture of mediums is interesting.
vivien said…
Thanks William - yes it's a high cliff with a sloping top but largely silhouetted against the sky - the sun sets over the sea later :)
Making A Mark said…
These are looking even more luminous with a dark background. What sort of colours are you currently using for framing?

Plus - thanks for sending me some new readers. Maybe suggest they bookmark the squidoo site for links to all the composition posts in once place?
Linda Blondheim said…
I love the first image, wonderful. I like painting on paper too, with guauche,casein, oils and acrylics. There is a unique quality to opaque paintings on paper. I enjoyed your blog.

vivien said…
Thanks Linda :)

and Katherine :) I stay with the pale off-white mat and limed ash (very pale) frames because the buyers like the open air freshness and they are usually hung on white or off-white walls - that makes the colour glow and the frame take a secondary place.

They do glow against black but a black frame would overpower them too much IRL - hung unframed on a black wall would look great!!

yes I'll mention the squidoo lenses to the students :)

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