Sketches of Dawn : Skies and Sea

Apricot Sky at Dawn, Calm Morning, oil, approx 9 ins across, Vivien Blackburn

Dawns are more subtle than sunsets but can be utterly beautiful.

I always mean to get up and get out to paint dawn landscapes/seascapes but only occasionally manage it, usually on holiday. Staying in Sennen Cove, right on the sea front, meant that I could sketch the dawn before the rest of the family woke up - cup of tea by my side, quiet, just sketching happily :>)

View out of the side window, Dawn, watercolour/mixed media. 10ins wide approx. Vivien Blackburn

Dawn at Sennen Cove, Calm sea with gentle swell. Coloured pencil in 'large' Moleskine sketchbook. Vivien Blackburn

Dawn at Sennen Cove, Quiet still morning, apricot blush on the horizon, Pearly colours. Coloured pencil in Moleskine sketchbook. Vivien Blackburn

These were all done on quiet still mornings when the sea was calm.

For paintings and sketches of wilder days check out the links below - click on images to be take to the relevant post.


Anonymous said…
As far as I'm concerned the problem with dawn is it's just too darn early in the day. But people tell me it's very pretty. I'm happy to take their word for it.
I'm loving these skies btw. So much colour and variety.
vivien said…

I agree!

but I have to travel to work at dawn, through the countryside for part of the year and do really love it - but hatehatehate the bit before where you get out of a cosy bed in the cold and dark :>(
annie said…
You have beautifully shown it, here...a lovely time of day, hushed and waiting to flood the sky in a great splash of light.
Chris Bellinger said…
When I travelled to work regulary it was very oftensun up time in the winter.
Also you get the best light of the day.everything is fresh and unspoilt.
You were right about the name of the Cornish come across ove in your last post, ave you
This is a amazing site where people can upload phots of anywhere in UK...paintings there is a idea.
dinahmow said…
Right now - it's 10 to 6 on a Saturday morning. Dawn? Not yet.
More coffee, I thnk!
vivien said…
Thanks Annie :>)

Chris yes, it's a beginning full of possibilities - just tough to get up for! I'll look at that site

Not dawn yet at 10 to 6? the birds are waking us up here by 4 and it's light soon after 5 - it's much easier to get up in the light
dinahmow said…'s one the downsides to tropical life.
vivien said…
oh of course - I wasn't thinking

It used to fascinate me in Malta how FAST the sun set. Here our sunsets last for quite a while, changing as the sun sinks slowly. In Malta it seemed to whoosh down! and of course a more even day/night ratio.

When we lived in the north of Scotland we used to almost get the midnight sun - sunset was very very late and dawn followed fast and very very early.

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