and another drawing of that gourd - in coloured pencil this time - and I've been tagged and have tagged my choices

I did another drawing of that gourd to show the class different materials with the same subject.

This one was done with that Lyra 'skin tones' set that I really like, plus a deep blue one to enhance the cool darkest darks. I really do like those Lyra coloured pencils.

And this ugly little gourd is fun to draw :)

and I've been tagged! by Karen Hall who does some beautiful work - take a look.

I now have to give 7 facts about me ....

1 I'm a new grandmother :)
2 Though I love the sea i live about as far away as you can get from it in England now :(
3 I have 2 lovely daughters
4 and one Irish husband
5 I have my imaginary list of what I'll buy/do 'when I win the lottery' - but very rarely buy a ticket
6 I've been lucky enough to live in some very beautiful places including Gibraltar (it was lovely then), Malta, Scotland and Cornwall.
7 I'm really tired and I've run out of ideas!

and blogs I'll tag:

Katherine who writes about a wide range of subjects in depth - a very good read and now a friend.

Sarah at - A talented artist - who also runs painting holidays and I really enjoy her blog and her work.

Lyndsay - who decided to join me on my waterways project and is doing a very interesting series in the US. (mine is on the back burner at the moment but not abandoned, it was always going to be a very long term project)

Anita - beautiful sensitive drawings with a real mood and atmosphere, also great portraits.

Sue an interesting blog by someone who, like me, did her art degree as a mature student

Diane a talented printmaker and a really nice person, generous with information and advice.

Julie I followed Julie's mile a day sketch blog and her current project is to do a sketch of a family member each day - and they are lively and good!

I hope you enjoy them all :)



Lindsay said…
Vivien! I'm honored. Thanks so much. I'll be doing my post over the weekend.

Your gourds have inspired me to do another one too. It's always so interesting to see your subjects in different media.
Sue Smith said…
Hi Vivien~ Thank you for the tag...I am also took to doing to come up with the seven blogs to tag, and I'm sure some of them have been tagged before, it's such a small world. I subscribe to your blog so I read it constantly, you're always an inspiration. Thanks.
vivien said…
Thanks Lindsay and Sue :) I enjoy reading yours!

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