more cards for the art and craft fair

I made a few more cards this afternoon - it's a grey rainy day and I think it crept into the colour choices and weather I was showing in them! I do like moody light at the coast though :)

these are some of the ones I did yesterday.



Anna said…
Those are beautiful!
dinahmow said…
All lovely! The top row make me think "gelato."
vivien said…
thanks Anna And Dinah :)

gelato - yes :)
Lindsay said…
Even though these are abstracted, they still have your unique stamp on them! Lovely.
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay - I want to make some more and I may do some slightly bigger ones to frame - I'm enjoying using the collage.
Lorna said…
mmm ... these are bits of the summer to hold and gloat over now the dark days are here.
Anita said…
Oh wow, these are gorgeous! You are so good at getting your work out into public! I hope they sell like hot cakes!
vivien said…
Lorna and Anita Thank you :)

They've been fun to make and I'm planning to do more.

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