macro flowers

images copyright Vivien Blackburn

I've been playing with my new 10x macro lens in the garden - autumn and there aren't so many flowers but I'd like to use it on some autumn leaves next.

I like osteospermums, they are so generous with their flowers and carry on flowering for such a long time. I've got 2 or 3 slightly different ones - the only problem is the way they close once the sun goes behind the clouds. They really don't like shade at all.

This geranium plant is huge and has survived at least 4 winters, left outside in its pot - an old Victorian Chimney Pot. I hope it survives again as it flowers and flowers - right through the winters it kept flowering on, the flowers were small but continuous. It isn't meant to survive the winters! I suppose I should really take some cuttings in case the horrible summer we've had turns into an even worse winter.

The lens is a cheap screw on filter-sized magnifying lens. I bought a set that range from 1x to 10x.

I love the way that macro lenses throw the background out of focus and concentrate attention on the main subject.

I am painting but not getting enough time and nothing is at a stage to share just now.



Robyn Sinclair said…
Every time you mention macro lens, Vivien, it renews my desire for a new camera. I couldn't fit even an inexpensive one on the current model. Your flower studies are lovely. It is the shadow play of the petals that makes me want to paint.
We've not had a good season for geraniums here this year. I always imagined I'd have them spilling over every wall and and out of every pot. Maybe next summer. And YES - do take some cuttings of your good one.
vivien said…
are you certain they wouldn't fit Robyn??

they aren't interchangeable type lenses like an SLR - they are simply the same as filters - narrow magnifying glasses that screw onto the front of your camera and very cheap. I bought them on EBay - my daughter had got some for her camera and I'd had them when I had an SLR .. so I treated myself :)

If your camera can take a polarising lens or any other, it can work with these :)

Geraniums spilling out of pots are lovely aren't they?

It's autumn so I didn't have many flowers to choose from!
Making A Mark said…
Your flower photos are begging for a quick drawing if you haven;t got time for paints

The lenses sound interesting - I don't think I've ever come across them before.
vivien said…
I'm planning to work from these :)

the lenses are well worth looking in to as you love macro as well.

If your camera has the threads for a filter (skylight, UV etc) then these will fit.

Just put macro lenses into ebay

I had one for my old SLR and loved it but this is a set of 4 - you can combine them theoretically. I haven't tried it.

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