sketching in oil paints - Cornwall

copyright Vivien Blackburn

Across the beach, Mawgan Porth 14 inches square, oil on canvas paper

A sketch in oil paint done from our window in Cornwall, looking across the beach as the tide was coming in.

Done using Griffin Alkyd oil paints - I really like these for plein air sketching as they dry faster. It was done in a Cryla sketch pad - Cryla pads have a canvas like texture and are designed for acrylics but are just as good for oil paints.

At the moment I'm working long hours so painting time is really limited :( I need some of Maggie Stiefvaters organisational and time management skills. I'm sadly lacking in both :(



Bill Sharp said…
Hi Vivienne. This is beautiful. I've always wanted to visit Cornwall and Wales. You're giving me travel fever.
lmp said…
Very moving piece. Love the colors.
vivien said…
Hi Bill and Lisa :) thanks

Oh do visit Cornwall and Wales if you get the chance Bill - both are beautiful.

Snowdonia is wild and a little bleak but wonderful and south Wales is much gentler - I have to admit I prefer North Wales myself.
Lindsay said…
Beautiful sketch. The paints are a wonderful tip as was your suggestion for cleaning up with baby oil.
Your brush strokes are really expressive too.
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay :) - I can highly recommend the Griffin Alkyds, I really like them.

I sometimes use them even on large canvasses if I know I want to work on it quickly over a few days with the possibility of glazing the next day I know I will be able to - it could sometimes be a week with normal oils before that's possible.
Robyn Sinclair said…
Some people would consider this a painting, Vivien. I will restrict my comment to 'beautiful sketch' and try not to be green. ;) And I've been dying to visit Cornwall since I first read Enid Blyton in a tiny Australian country town!
vivien said…
Thanks Robyn - do visit if you get the chance

... but be prepared for West Coast weather - it can be glorious or misty, gales, rain ....

but still beautiful :)
Making A Mark said…
Correction - the rain is horizontal in Penzance, comes straight off the Atlantic and is very, very wet!

But Cornwall is idyllic when the weather is good and you've certainly caught a sense of Cornwall by the sea in this one. The texture and treatment of the clouds in particular is marvellous.

Also very interesting to hear how you got on with the Alkyds and the Cryla pads. They sound great for plein air sketches.
vivien said…
oh yes, I love my Alkyds and cryla pads are great to use with them - I've worked that way plein air for a very long time and it's great and archivally sound :)

Penzance???? that's on the soft south coast of Cornwall!!! you should see the storms on the north coast >:>)

When we lived there one gusted at 120mph and flipped a huge aeroplane across the airfield totally writing it off.

When the gales were from that direction - straight off the Atlantic - all the fishing boats would go round to harbours on the south side

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