photographs of waves and surf and rocks at Mawgan Porth

Eureka! the slide show worked. It must have been blogger playing up because Gesa said she had problems too recently - and today it worked straight away :)

If you subscribe by email you'll just see the photobucket icon and a friendly little icon saying 'get your own' !!! if you bring up the blog you'll see the slideshow there :)

I think the slide show helps add a little sense of movement to what were crashing, powerful waves.

I took the photos to help me remember the patterns of the waves as they curled and broke and crashed against each other and the rocks - watching huge swells coming in and trying to time the click of the shutter to get the spray as the wave hit the cliffs or the curling foam coming from left and right to meet in the middle and the glassy underside of the wave before it crashed down.

I'd love to get down to photograph the winter storms when the surf is awesome and terrifying.



Lindsay said…
It works! I can see them.
Lovely slide show.
vivien said…
Gesa said…
these are very good - i had to laugh: the series of photos i took in inveraray a while back were just absolutely tiny ones :) i will go an try to get them together as well.
vivien said…
that would be good :)

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