photography: autumn macros

I was hoping to go out today and take some photos out in the countryside while the autumn colours are there and the fields are a patchwork of stubble, ploughed and pasture. The light wasn't good enough so I settled for having another play with my macro lenses. These are close ups from my garden. I like that little curl at the end of the leaf :)

The roses are still flowering - in a mild winter they carry on virtually all winter - and we've had a few mild winters in recent years. I hope the coming winter is the same, with the lousy summer could it mean a hard winter?

The lens as I said before, looks like a filter and simply screws on to the front of the camera - you don't need an SLR. Best of all they are pretty cheap!

Beech Leaves - these dry up but stay on until spring. The leaves come out later than most of teh other shrubs/trees in my little garden and I always worry that the frosts have killed it as it sits there covered in last years brown leaves.

I thought the squirrels had eaten all the flowers and we wouldn't have any crab apples but we do seem to have some :) .

I'm only managing to grab short spaces of time to work on the canvasses so there are no new paintings to show yet. The big canvasses take longer and need time to evolve.

Is anyone else taking any autumn photos?

link to the type of lenses I'm talking about

link to previous macro post



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