
sorry for the lack of posts this week but it's been a stressful week of hospital appointments and admissions for 2 family members with lots of running around and worry - not to mention end of term marking, exams and computers that have nervous breakdowns ......

normal service will be resumed soon :>)


laura said…
Just when we need our art most, we can't get to it. I'm very sorry about your family members and your stressful week; I can sympathize and I hope all will be well soon!
daviddrawsandpaints said…
Hope you get everything sorted out and get back to posting again soon. Obviously you need some painting therapy to help you cope! :o)
lmp said…
I certainly can understand what it is like with family members and hospitals. I won't stress you with all my details... Just wanted you to know that you have my deepest sympathies and prayers. Sometimes, they all get sick and need you at once. It will get better. I kept telling myself that and indeed, it has gotten better. Prayer helps and so I will add you to mine. I started taking a sketchbook with me to the hospital and later to the nursing home. It helps to take your mind off things. Also, keeps a hand in your art which too often gets pushed aside (of course, at times one has to put other things as priorities) and can leave you feeling guilty and stessed about that too. Anyway, please know that I will be thinking of you and looking forward to your return.

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