4 inch seascapes on deep sided canvasses

High Winds and Surf, 4 inch square canvas (deep sided). Vivien Blackburn

Instead of working on my planned 40 inch canvas I was in a mood to work with these little 4 inch canvasses I'd bought to do some work for my etsy store. This one is based on a wild day with the surf pouring over the harbour wall and the rocks offshore.

Below is a side view so that you can see the painted edges and depth of the sides. It's a little bleached out by the flash - the accurate colour is above, which was taken in daylight.

I'm going to be uploading them to Etsy if anyone wants to take a look.


Jeanette Jobson said…
These are great. I love the gallery canvasses and have a shelf in the studio piling up with them. They take the pressure and cost out of framing!

I can hear the sound of the surf in my head by seeing this little gem.
Anonymous said…
Ooh, 'striped cliffs at Hunstanton' is glorious. They're all lovely, true enough, but that one calls my name...
vivien said…
Thanks Jeanette and Cath :>)

Lets hope the buyers of Etsy think so too!

Exactly Jeanette - and I hate my seascapes to be confined by frames, I like them au naturel :>)
Chris Bellinger said…
just done a series of these small c anvases on a mountain them(see blog)they look great all in a line.
Love your painting
You may also like the link to a fun programe i found!
Interesting to see how the buyer feel. i thin that people are more likely to spend money on the smaller stuff nad thing that remind them of placs been

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