setting up an Etsy shop

Goody Two Shoes, ACEO, Glen Heath

One of my friends, Glen, is a very gifted painter but has only recently started to get interested in computers, websites, blogs and internet sales. I've featured her work here before.

This afternoon I helped her to make a start on creating an Etsy store - take a look. So far there are just half a dozen aceo's but more will be added, including larger works.

Glen did her BA (Hons) Fine Art as a mature student and gained a Distinction. She then went on to do her MA.

Glen's website


Lindsay said…
Congrats Glen! Lovely shop and very lively colors. I wish you the best of luck with your new endeavor.

PS: I want to set up an Etsy shop this summer too!

Nice work you two.
Robyn Sinclair said…
Congratulations Glen, I've made your shop a favourite. I'm going to have to get a job so I can go shopping!

Now if I'd know you'd set me up an Etsy shop, Vivien I'd have saved myself a lot of time and angst. I still put off listing work because I get so anxious I'll do something wrong.
vivien said…
Glen will be delighted :>) I'll pass your comments on

Do set up a shop Lindsay, it's fairly straightforward

Robyn it's easy to edit so it's ok - I often have to go back and add things I've forgotten!

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