and another tiny canvas

Winter Morning, acrylic on deep gallery wrap canvas, 4 inches square, Vivien Blackburn

Another of the series of mini canvasses destined for my Etsy shop. A windy morning with the surf crashing on the sand and pools reflecting the sky.

The sides are painted to match the painting so that framing isn't necessary.


D'Rimba said…
Wow so perfect...........
vivien said…
thank you D'Rimba - I don't know if you are an interior designer? but there are some beautiful rooms on your blog - which I can't read!
Just been catching up on weeks of your blog! I love the small canvases and it's interesting to see how your style translates to the small scale. I also really enjoyed your still life and comments on it a few posts back. Love the vibrant colours and the looseness of your brushwork which conveys such vitality.
Lindsay said…
What a wonderful idea and a beautiful series. You really pack so much visual information into such a tiny format! Nice satisfying size too!
Lindsay said…
Forgot to say, nobody does "blue" like you! How many blues do you use?
vivien said…
Thanks Becky :>)

thanks Lindsay - mmm I'm not a limited palette person! As a colourist I like to have a wide range of reds, yellows and blues

... so cobalt, ultramarine, cerulean, indigo, pthalo, plus some other gorgeous ones that 'visit' and sometimes stay as favourites like process cyan in acrylics. And magenta is a must for giving lovely glows to clouds etc Viridian is also a must to tip the blues to that beautiful translucent green you get in Cornish seas.
Lindsay said…
Thanks Vivien. I knew you liked colors so this give me an idea of what you like to use. Packing for plein air must be painful...tubes left behind due to weight considerations.
vivien said…
Leave Colours Behind ?????????? :>0


actually I seriously don't! I can't stand not to have my range of blues,reds and yellows with a variety of others. I have no talent for travelling light!

so - understandably I love it if I can park near where I'm painting!

My watercolour box that I take isn't too big but holds 24 colours - plus at least half a dozen more I've stuck into the brush section!

and I take not many less tubes if I'm oil painting! I have got the turps/cleaning up down to a minimum though :>)
Lindsay said…
I knew you were a color gourmand! Now you are making me reconsider my oil tubes for this summers plein air pack.

I'm going to try a mix of veridian with an ultra and a tad of burnt umber to try for a river color.
vivien said…
I confess ......... I am! if you have a wide range of primaries it gives you a huge subtle range of colour mixes with the addition of the earth colours

That mix sounds good - the viridian will keep a glow whilst getting that muddiness - and here sometimes ochre for the sunlit bits were muddy water turns golden colours
John DeMint said…
so amazing.

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