Hydrangeas in close up

Aren't hydrangeas just the most beautiful blue?

Photos of the hydrangea bush I bought this week - it's sitting on the patio looking like a piece of sky :>)

and on the subject of blue - for those who doubted the blue of the sea in my paintings of Cornwall = do take a look at this photographers work. He's very talented


pete said…
yours might be! mine are a dusty sort of pink ...
Lindsay said…
His photos are magnificent! Thanks for sharing.I want to go :>(
vivien said…
I've only just bought them Pete! so lets hope that
a. they survive the winter in their chimney pot on the patio
b. buying that stuff to feed them with that claims to keep them blue .... does!

He is good isn't he Lindsay :>)

Come on over!
Robyn Sinclair said…
Good luck, Vivien! I adore them. I buy a pot every Spring. I can never keep them from one year to the next :(

They used to grow like weeds in the town where I was born but I didn't appreciate them then.
vivien said…
fingers crossed then

like weeds - how lovely
Jean Spitzer said…
mine are healthy and blooming profusely, but they're definitely pink.
Anonymous said…
So beautiful, They remind me of my aunt, now lost to dementia; she always grew the most incredible purple / blue hydrangeas. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Julie Dunion said…
Beautifully taken photos, Vivien. I love hydangeas when they start to dry out and the blue becomes tinged with pink and ochre.
vivien said…
yes Julie - and then when they dry out totally to a soft pale brown :>)

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