I haven't been posting this week as we've had a terrible week - Rosie, who I raised from a 2 week old orphan kitten, needing 3 hourly feeds 24/7 and therefore my 'baby' is missing.
She's the original scaredy cat who runs in if the wind ruffles her fur, in the day she never went beyond our garden and at night not much further.
She slipped out on Friday night and wouldn't come back in. My husband got up twice in the night to look for her - no sign, which is unheard of, she's usually scrabbling at the door frantic to get back in by then.
Wednesday. Still no sign. We've put posters up everywhere, informed animal rescue centres, asked everyone to check sheds and garages and put up posters. My husband must have walked hundreds of miles searching.
Someone told us of a dog nearby who killed a cat the previous Wednesday - so you can imagine the horrible pictures in our minds and the upset. The phrase 'worried sick' describes how I feel - nauseous with worry.
The hope that she'd simply got shut in somewhere and would reappear has faded and I know she must be dead .... but I don't KNOW .... so cling to that faint hope and worry myself sick, well we both do.
Lots of people have phoned or contacted us - even the local policeman, but it was never her.
So, no painting - I just haven't the heart at the moment.
Even my daughter, on being told last night, insisted on booking Thursday and Friday off work and coming over tonight to stay and help search - they are out now and I'm printing some more posters and fliers and manning the phone.

I subscribed :)