Bird in collage and mixed media

Sorting out some stuff in my studio I came across this little collage I did ages ago and decided to use a little coloured pencil on it just to bring it together. I'm quite pleased with it and I'm going to mount it on canvas and varnish it to protect it. I think I'll probably paint the surrounding canvas black though - I'll leave a border showing like here. It's about 8 x 5 ins guesstimating.

Here it is on a black background - what do you think?


A very prety little thing. Wonderful quality.
vivien said…
thank you :)

a fellow Aquarian :)
Robyn Sinclair said…
I adore your little bird, Vivien. He looks like he could fly right off the paper. IMHO I prefer him on the lighter ground rather than the black.
vivien said…
Sorry Robyn but it's going to go on the black! I've painted the canvas ready IRL I think it does work better - the mettalics gleam against it.
Lindsay said…
The way you are presenting your bird, he looks like a crown jewel!
I also enjoyed seeing your smaller painting above. I love the one puddle in the forground.
vivien said…
thanks Lindsay :)
Making A Mark said…
Too late to say i preferred the cream........oh well! Everybody's preferences are always so individual - there's never any right or wrong.
what a beautiful bird! I'm glad you decided for the black background!
vivien said…
I'm glad you agreed with me :)

quite a few votes were for the lighter background.

and thanks :)
Deb G said…
I really like your bird!

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