Time and Tide update
Lavender Marsh, Dusk all images copyright Vivien Blackburn
I'm afraid these photos didn't come out brilliantly and they don't show all the colours. The first one is of the marshes when the sea lavender is in bloom and they have a lovely purple haze. There are sludgy greeny and mud colours in there that aren't showing well and nor are the subtler changes in the rain on the horizon. This was based on a time when I was there at dusk on a day with a wonderful towering threatening sky and an extremely high tide.
Jade, Misty Morning
This one is based on a day when we'd travelled over through thick mist, which started to lift as we settled to paint - it was a beautiful day once it cleared, this shows the last of it when everything is in soft focus.
This is the group I'm taking for the exhibition, final selection. The seasons change - cold winter mornings, moonrise, sunset, windy blue days, cool afternoons, sunny days and throught it all reflecting pools and the sea. Tomorrow I deliver them - fingers crossed that they like them.
And now I'm off to carry on reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows :D