
Well Katherine your blog posts on Imagekind inspired me! it was such a gloomy horrible day with heavy rain and thunder and thick black clouds - and the light was lousy for painting - so I decided to make a start at Imagekind NOW rather than later! I decided that in for a penny in for a pound - the choice seemed to be between free or platinum - if I was going to pay then that was the best deal. So I've signed up for a platinum :)

I don't know how it will go - will I sell? time will tell. It does mean that images are affordable, I can include sketches and paintings that have been given as presents to family members and work whereI don't want to sell originals.

anway here is the link and there is now a shiny new button on the right hand column :)


Sarah said…
interesting, I am tempted too be interested to see how you get on, oh and well done ref the article.
Lynda Lehmann said…
Vivien, thanks for your comment on my blog. I just went on Imagekind myself a few weeks ago, but can't upload for a few weeks, as I'm on a SLOW dial-up for the summer. We have some of the same interests--let's subscribe to each other's blogs and keep in touch!

vivien said…
that would be nice Lynda :) I've subscribed via bloglines
vivien said…
I nearly waited to see how Katherine got on first Sarah - but it was a cold grey rainy day and I decided to go for it :)

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