my first glossy magazine article!

:D they'd promised to send me a copy of the magazine and it came today

Leicestershire and Rutland Life, a glossy magazine had asked me if they could do an article on my work and do this double page spread .... so here it is :D and the text by Becky Jones below, you can double click on the images below and it is then readable if you are interested :)

I have to admit I was a bit nervous about what the article would be like! had I made sense in the interview? I do wish now I hadn't given them that red clouds seascape as I think I want to change it a bit! it looks rather garish there? I gave them some quieter, moodier ones too but I suppose they were looking for lots of colour.

Today the weather is dark and rainy and the light is awful so finishing off the edges of the canvasses is on hold - there's severe weather warnings and more floods in lots of places - and all this after they said it would be a record breaking hot summer!


Lindsay said…
Congrats!! I hope you are pleased because the copy seems to capture what you are expressing. Really nice representation of your work.
Anita said…
HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT?????? Doesn't it mean you have made it when you get your name in print? I bow down before you! Vivien - you must be glowing with pride! I am grinning on your behalf! Well done and very well deserved!
vivien said…
thank you both! one of the things I like so much about artists is that we genuinely wish each other well without the sour grapes of some arenas :)

made it? no! not yet. just lucky! they liked my work and asked to do an article on me. They do a monthly art article.

It's funny because we'd talked about approaching them to see if they'd give our little group a write up - maybe they can be persuaded to do that another time when we have a group exhibition - we are planning one before too long!
Making A Mark said…
Wow! Well done - I think it looks great. Consider yourself blogged on Sunday!

I was going to say that you will of course be adding it into your website under - until I checked - and there it is! I think the colours look less 'in your face' with the white background so maybe it's just what the black background does to your screen?.
vivien said…
yes it is partly - it's just that they chose all very colourful pieces and none of the more subtle ones and so there's no relief! it's very in your face.

oooh! blogged as well! :)

yes, I keep adding to the press reviews and typing sections so google can pick them up :)
wow! congrats! The photos of your work look great.
vivien said…
thanks Bridgette :)
Robyn Sinclair said…
Fantastic spread, Vivien. It would look very impressive framed for your exhibition. I don't think the Red Clouds Seascape looks in the least garish.
vivien said…
not framed Robyn :) - I don't frame canvasses. I've been painting the edges - an endless job with largish canvasses like these! I've painted them all a light sandy colour (buff titanium mixed with some white) so it's in keeping and they all link.

and thanks :) I hope other people agree with you on the not garish!
jafabrit said…
wow, that is WAY cool, congrats. I love the spread. I am quite chuffed and happy for you.

vivien said…
Thanks Corrine/Jafa :)
kim denise said…
Vivien, this is FABULOUS! I wish I could get my hands on a copy of that mag!
vivien said…
HI Kim! thanks :)

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