Empty Easel

a page from a sketchbook - nothing to do with the following post but I thought I'd put a picture in so it isn't all text :D

Dan, who writes the interesting and thought provoking blog, Empty Easel, has featured me this week - it seems to be my week for featuring! Leicestershire and Rutland Life, Making a Mark and now Empty Easel! Thank you Dan and for the real insight you showed into the Time and Tide series :D

http://emptyeasel.com/ anyone who hasn't discovered Empty Easel - do take a look, it's a not-to-be-missed blog full of interesting articles.

The Time and Tides have been delivered and the show starts on 4th August. I don't think I'll make the Private View due to other committments but I'll try to get over to see how they've been shown and take some photos.


Lisa Lorenz said…
wohoo..Vivien..This is wonderful news...I just love empty easel and I was featured a few weeks ago. I love how Dan wrote about your paintings. Great stuff..they are beautiful
Best wishes
Lisa in Copenhage (LisaArt) from AA
vivien said…
thanks Lisa :) - yes I saw that, it was a great write up

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